Ahead of Major Climate Protests, a Rare Glimpse at Activist Preparations in Copenhagen
Here in Copenhagen, tens of thousands of people are expected to take part in a march Saturday protesting the failure of world leaders to address the climate crisis. Saturday’s march is just one of a series of major demonstrations scheduled over the week. Activists from around Europe and the world are flooding into Copenhagen. Meanwhile, the Danish police have launched its largest security effort. Last night, Democracy Now! got a rare tour inside several of the key convergent spaces where protest organizers are preparing for the demonstrations.
Police in Copenhagen arrested 68 protesters during the first day of serious demonstrations connected with the UN climate talks.
According to police, 250 activists met in Nytorv Square in the centre of the city at 10am before dispersing to targets including the Danish Energy Association, McDonalds, Deloitte, Repsol, Shell and the shipping company Maersk. Organisers, who had distributed maps to guide protesters, put the number of protesters at between 500 and 1,000.
A polícia dinamarquesa dispersou hoje uma manifestação, que acontecia ao som de frases anti-capitalistas, no centro de Copenhaga. Dezenas de pessoas foram detidas.
A manifestação, que respondeu ao apelo da coligação Climate Action Justice, reuniu cerca de 200 pessoas. Várias delas foram libertadas ontem à noite depois de terem sido detidas durante uma marcha para pedir um novo acordo climático global mais ambicioso.
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